The person who is going to pay the transfer fee should fill out the license transfer form. This can be the buyer or the seller.
License Transfer
The form below is the only valid way to buy, sell, or transfer a license outside of approved Digital Gravy marketplaces.
Frequently asked questions
Should the buyer or seller fill out the license transfer form?
Can I sell or transfer my product license?
Products that are eligible for re-sale or transfer can be sold or transferred without violating the license agreement by filling out the license transfer form and paying the transfer fee. Any transfers of any kind outside of this process are invalid and may void the license as well as access to the support community without warning or notice.
Only LTDs are eligible for re-sale or transfer.; products on a subscription plan are not eligible.
If you are selling or transferring a license, you are required to inform the buyer or transferee of this process and disclose the transfer fee.
What is the benefit of transferring a license?
Most software companies don’t allow license sales or transfers. We’re different. We allow sale and transfer [only] through our official license transfer process. The benefits are:
- Your license isn’t deactivated for violating our license agreements.
- The buyer of the license will have accurate purchase data associated with the license.
- The buyer can access support and our support communities with a valid login.
Note: If the official process is not followed, licenses are subject to deactivation and support access can be blocked. Both things may occur without warning or notice.